Crystal Lens Technology 2.0
Now you can clearly see what happens before, during and after welding
True-Color View
Like looking through a glass window

Automatically adapts to changing light conditions of the welding arc
Opening of the anti-glare display can be continuously adjusted after welding to significantly reduce eye fatigue
Delay Function
Delay Function Feature

5-Point Detection
intelligent five-sensor control to adjust shade levels even in the most difficult lighting conditions
Grinding Mode
The brightest vision during grinding work ever to be offered by a welding helmet
Overhead Welding
Overhead Welding Feature

Lithium-polymer battery is recharged either by light or directly with a USB charger
Sensitivity Regulation
Adapts the helmet to your environment and requirements
Warranty Extension
Simply register here to be covered for 3 years after purchase
eric turner –
I own 3 of the original Panaoramaxx because I like the helmet so much that I wanted one for everywhere I work. I was super excited for this as an upgrade as I love the original crystal 2.0 but didn’t like the exterior controls, and love the usb charging. I absolutely love the lens, sensors, everything but I am very disappointed with the new iso headgear. If you bump the rear knob the cable system fully disengages and you lose all tension on your head and then are trying to get it to tension again and if you decide that you went one click to many again your left to the whole system coming loose again. The rear knob needs to work one click in either tightening the cable or loosening it. The ADF filter is epic but I just want decent headgear, like 3M Speedglas or heck even the nicer Lincoln or Miller stuff, the old headgear is as caveman as possible and this is so overthought its just not functional for the helmet coming on and off all day.
Brian M –
I recently purchased the CLT and love the hood. It’s clearer than any hood I’ve used before. It’s nice and light and doesn’t wear out my neck at all which is nice. However the new isofit headgear leaves much to be desired. It doesn’t fit down around my head hardly at all. That’s with it extended all the way. If I happen to adjust my position at all while welding it’ll fall right off. Now I did notice that if I crank it down incredibly tightly it won’t move. But I will also have a headache due to my skull being crushed. The adjustment knob for tightening and loosening is also not my favorite. If you want to loosen it just slightly you have to start at zero all over. That’s annoying and inconvenient. That being said those are literally the only 2 drawbacks I have. It’s a great hood and I’ll be purchasing the old style headgear to better fit my head.
Christina –
I recently purchased the CLT and I love the hood as well. I too feel it is the best as far as clarity it’s crazy how they can do this. I personally love the isofit head gear! I thought I was not going to like it from reading other reviews but when I got to use it to my surprise it was very comfortable. I sometimes forget I have it on. I also thought being a female with long hair that my ponytail would have a problem with the isofit gear but not at all. I know people are also complaining about the controls up in the hood and charging port and how it’s hard to access them. Personally, for me I never need the charging port because I use the helmet. They say you only need to charge it every 6 month that’s if you are not using it much. As far as the settings I leave it on auto and its perfect no need to change anything. The only reason I gave it 4 star and not 5 was because of my view gets a little obstructed by the nose area sometimes. I adjusted the helmet so I could see close as possible to see past the nose area, but I still sometimes see that outline. Overall, the actual view is nice it’s pretty much what you see as far as view without it. It’s defiantly worth buying. You can read what everyone’s talking about but you need to see and feel it for yourself. Someone else’s issues about the helmet my not be your issues with it. Also, Optrel sales reps are so nice they want you to be happy and they will work with you to find what’s best for you.
Isaac –
I recently purchased and received the Panormaxx CLT and am beyond satisfied with it! I had a very minor issue when ordering it, but it was quickly sorted out with the fantastic customer support at optrel USA. After a few hours playing around with the helmet at home while welding some test materials, I found myself looking for more projects to weld that I had been putting off. It makes me want to weld more. I’m really looking forward to using it again. The lens is so clear, it’s like wearing a really nice pair of sunglasses on a bright sunny day. The colors are fantastic! I found myself nodding my head to lower the hood, only to have the hood down already. The twilight setting is really cool too. The headband is very adjustable and conforms nicely to my head. The entire hood is so lightweight and balanced that I hardly notice it while wearing it. The view of the weld puddle is crystal clear. Much better than any hood I’ve worn before. If I ever have to replace this hood in the future, I’ll definitely be buying another optrel. No doubt about it.