Leather Head and Neck Protector for e3000x – PAPR

Product #: 4028.031
Leather Head and Neck Protector – black is suitable for all Panoramaxx Series, Sphere Series, Liteflip Series and Y Series PAPR welding helmets. Please note this item is only suitable for helmets with PAPR feature.

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Have a question?

8 months 13 days ago

Is this to replace the face seal on the e3000x or does it go over it how does this work and do you have any pictures of it on a helmet?

Grant Cooper
8 months 15 hours ago

The leather head and neck protection is used in addition to the face seal. It is a drape to protect the head and back of neck and goes to the shoulders.


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Baker’s Gas & Welding Supplies
CyberWeld Logo featuring the brand and the animated rat mascot wearing a welding helmet and a welding torch.
Welding For Less (WFL) Supply Company Logo with the welding helmet icon on the center.
Logo of Welding Supplies From IOC (Indiana Oxygen Company) in black and white with yellow lightning icon.

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